Friday, March 25, 2011

WIZ KHALIFA - Rolling Papers

I don't know too much about Wiz Khalifa. In the few things I have read about him online, I know that a lot of his "fans" consider him a "sell-out" because he's on a major label now (Atlantic) and this album was a "let-down" based on the strength of his previous mixtapes. Well, I never listened to those mixtapes, and I'm one of the people that first heard Wiz when "Black and Yellow" came on my radio's speakers. So maybe I'm not qualified to talk about this album, but I was hooked on that single the first time I heard it. Every time it came on, the volume went up and I was singing along to the chorus. Eventually, I said to myself, "Self, you should get his album and listen to it."

I'm definitely not any sort of expert on the hip-hop/rap genre, but I will tell you that I enjoy this album the whole way through. Not all of the songs are 100% awesome, but a song like "Roll Up", with its synth backing, is fantastic. Sure, the song material is kinda fluffy (being there and wanting to be with a girl who apparently is with some sort of loser boyfriend but is cheating on him), but who cares. It's nice to see a rapper who isn't afraid to show a heart once in a while. It's probably my favorite track on the disc. And don't worry, we still get plenty of references to "hoes" and "bitches" on other songs so Wiz isn't a total softie! Haters gon' hate on this record for sure, but I'm digging it, so there.

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